Trusted and QoS-Aware Provision of Application Services
IST Project No: IST-2001-34069

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Industrial Advisory Board

The role of the Industrial Advisory Board is:

  • to guide and validate research;
  • to provide a means of dissemination of the results

The Board represents a cross-section of technology providers, end-users and middleware standards bodies. The membership of the Board includes:

Paul McKee (BT exact Technologies)
Paul is a team leader in the Distributed Computing and Information Systems research group at BT exact Technologies. He currently manages projects including collaboration with a number of Universities. His research is focused on large-scale distributed systems, particularly policy-based management and high performance event-based architectures for capturing and processing management information. Paul joined BT in 1989 and initially worked on high-resolution optical devices before moving to a distributed systems group where he worked on autonomous replication and low overhead consistency protocols. He has published over 40 papers and is a member of the IEEE Computer Society.

Andrew Watson (Technical Director of the OMG)
Andrew graduated from the University of Cambridge in Computer Science and Engineering and spent two years at Hewlett-Packard's Bristol Research Centre, working on one of the first X.400 implementation. In 1989 Andrew joined the ANSA core team, working initially on the of the ANSA Computational Model and DPL, a language realising that model. Andrew then joined the Object Management Group (OMG) and chaired the ORB2 Task Force. Andrew is now Technical Director of the OMG and is responsible for the OMG's technology adoption process. Andrew also chairs the OMG's Architecture Board, a group of distinguished technical contributors from OMG member organizations. It was during Andrew's technical directorship that the OMG adopted the Unified Modelling Language (UML), the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) and the CORBA Component Model.

Prof. Dr. Rudolf K. Keller (Zühlke Engineering AG)
Prof Keller is the leader of the business unit Java Computing at Zühlke Engineering AG in Schlieren (Zürich), Switzerland. He is was an Associate Professor in the Software Engineering Group (GÉLO) at the Department of Computer Science and Operations Research at University of Montreal (UdeM). Before joining the faculty at UdeM in 1994, he was for several years a researcher at Montreal's CRIM research institute. Rudolf has taught at the School of Computer Science at McGill University and at University of California at Irvine, where he was a postdoctoral fellow from 1989 to 1991. He received a M.Sc. degree in mathematics from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) at Zürich in 1983, and a Ph.D. degree in computer science from University of Zürich in 1989. Rudolf's current interests are in object-oriented analysis and design, reverse engineering, design components and patterns, software quality, user interface engineering, business process modelling, and technologies for electronic marketplaces.

Dr. Marko Boger (CEO of Gentleware AG)
Dr. Boger is founder and CEO of Gentleware AG, a German company building UML-CASE-tools. He holds a PhD from the University of Hamburg where he worked as researcher on topics like UML, distributed systems development and e-Commerce for several years. He is author of the book 'Java in Distributed Systems', originally published in German (dpunkt-verlag) and later translated to English and published by Wiley. Marko was a key contributor to Argo/UML developer, which has now been developed by Gentleware into the Poseidon Toolsuite that is becoming part of Sun's Forte for Java development environment. Marko is a regular speaker at conferences, member of the program committee of the UML conference series and actively engaged in the standardisation of UML at the OMG.

Dr. Mark Little (HP Arjuna Labs)
Mark is a Distinguished Engineer/Architect, within HP Arjuna Labs., Newcastle upon Tyne, England, where he leads the Transactions team. He joined HP via a series of company acquisitions: Bluestone Software, Arjuna Solutions, which he was one of the founders. Before joining Arjuna Solutions he was for over 10 years a member of the Arjuna Distributed Computing team within the University of Newcastle upon Tyne (where he continues to have a Visiting Fellowship). His research within the Arjuna team included replication and transactions support, which include the construction of an OTS/JTS compliant transaction processing system.

Dr. Stuart Wheater (HP Arjuna Labs)
Stuart is a Distinguished Engineer/Architect, within HP Arjuna Labs., Newcastle upon Tyne, England. He joined HP via a series of company acquisitions: Bluestone Software, Arjuna Solutions, which he was one of the founders. Before joining Arjuna Solutions he was for over 10 years a member of the Arjuna Distributed Computing team within the University of Newcastle upon Tyne (where he continues to have a Visiting Fellowship). His research within the Arjuna team included transactions and long-lived process support, which include the construction of a CORBA based transactional workflow system.

Dr. Tobias C. Kiefer (Head of eTransaction Banking, Commerz NetBusiness AG/ Commerzbank Group)
Since April 2001 Head of eTransaction Banking at Commerz NetBusiness AG. Responsible for business development concerning epayments, mpayments, electronic bill presentment and payment, internet trust services and innovative transaction technologies and methods. Author of numerous publications and conference presentations concering the topic of services based on PKI, eBusiness strategies, banking strategies as well as speaker and moderator of specialized conferences with regard to strategies in e-commerce and etransaction banking. Main expertise in strategies, innovation management and business development.


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